Chengdu City Lock Down
Editor:Polygon Views:3524On 2022, 8/30, as of the confirmed cases of Covid increased up, Chengdu city government had made quick decision to lock the whole city with 20 million people in order to control the further spreading trend. As of this lock down, no moving around in the city was allowed, and people have to stay at home and do Covid test everyday. However, Polygon had initiated with our back up plan to cope with this unexpected situation to ensure that our production could continue to run and provide the parts to customers in china and abroad. Polygon management team had set up a closed up working environment for the necessary positions which need to run the plants to stay, and live in plant to ensure our production keep running.
With about 2 weeks hard working and closed environment operation that Polygon had resumed back to normal operation with the local lock down relief on 9/13 of 2022.
The whole city will start to relief step by step, and people's life, and work will resume back to normal gradually. Many thanks shall be given to the POLYGON people who work in the lock down time to keep the plant runnig!!!